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Kind of assisted program by dog that we worked




It is a therapeutic treatment modality in which a dog who meets certain criteria, and his handler are an integral part of the process. This type of therapy is directed by a health care professional or education that sets specific goals of treatment. It can be performed in a wide range of environments and can be carried out in groups or individually. The process should be documented and evaluated by the professional. 


The therapy dog ​​is an animal trained to integrate into a specific program and, along with his handler, a tool for professional help in order to achieve therapeutic goals faster or take a more holistic approach to the individual . 


After initial contact with the therapist or educator prepare a specific project, according to their guidelines, contributing to more effectively achieve its goals.


By employing dogs to perform animal assisted therapy, we see many psychological benefits. Although they are difficult to measure, there are countless studies that there is evidence of positive effects from contact with dogs. 








The dogs Assisted Activities are planned sessions in which the binomial handler-dog acts as integrator and playful element. Not require the involvement of a healthcare or education, but specifically trained dogs with their guides.


the activities are focus in make a specific activity depending on the target audience like can be to improve memory in old persons, psychomotor or exercise or even integrate children.



Reality orientation 

Dogs attract attention and for this reason often used in commercials and movies. In the case of misguided people - for example, people with Alzheimer's disease - the dogs serve as an element of touch with reality. 



Focal Point for attention deficit disorders 

One of the most significant difficulties in children with attention deficit disorder is the inability to concentrate. Dogs serve as a point of interest. As an affected child can pay attention to a dog for periods of increasingly longer periods may generalize attention span that is gaining in other areas of his life. 



Improve mood 

Throughout the literature on animal-assisted therapy, no evidence of positive effects on mood both users and staff of the various institutions. 


In Portugal have been made rigorous in a marked improvement consisting of the mood in the elderly in a nursing home studies. 



Antidote for Depression 

Therapy dogs help overcome depression and visits to institutions serve to combat the monotony. 




Greater collaboration between users and staff of institutions occurs when there is a dog present. On the other hand, the benevolent way a guide dog treats, an example for the staff - even in the most difficult moments. 



social stimulus 

Dogs encourage social contact; serve as a topic of conversation and facilitate interpersonal relationships. 



Physical contact 

Therapy dogs meet the universal need of human beings to physical contact. In many cases, inhibited people who shun physical contact with humans, happy approach to pet dogs. 




Dogs serve as motivation for the different treatment modalities. A child with cerebral palsy who must perform physical rehabilitation exercises, makes them happy when you are a dog. 



Out of oneself 

Individuals with mental illness or low self-esteem tend to focus on themselves. Interactions with dogs can help them focus more on their environment. Rather than think and talk about themselves and their problems, they can look at the dogs and talk about animals. 



Support staff of institutions 

When there is an attitude of the guide dog partnership with the staff of the institutions, equipment generates a positive environment for users. 




Studies show that children in households with pets in the pet is considered one of the family, children develop a greater capacity for empathy, (Tucker, 2004). We understand that this is igualemente applicable in institutions, and vitally important, especially when it comes to risk teens. 



Promote the growth and development of a living being 

Many risk children and adolescents have not learned this capability in their families of origin. Caring for a dog and see how it develops is a powerful self-esteem booster. 




Dogs accept people unconditionally. No matter the physical aspect; regardless of race; no matter the history. Many children and adolescents at risk have felt rejected and accepted by dogs supposed them a personal validation. 




It's fun to see what things can make a dog. Even people who do not like dogs can enjoy watching them. 



mental stimulation 

Greater mental stimulation occurs as a result of animals provide opportunities to communicate with others, evoking memories of the past, and as entertainment. In sad situations, the presence of an animal serving to enliven the atmosphere, increase the fun, laughter and play. These positive distractions can help decrease feelings of isolation,.

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