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How to feed or some ingredients may cause digestive problems in dogs such as diarrhea, allergies, obstructions, descaling, etc.

Also feed too much or too less may give your dog some troubles.

How to know if my dog is obese?

1) To perform the evaluation, first palpable ribs should feel and should be a moderate amount of fat on them, but the ribs should be differentiated either palpation if the ribs are easily visible, the animal is too thin, but you can "feel" the ribs the dog is overweight.


2) Palpate the posterior region ahead of the base of the tail, but should feel plump with smooth skin, if the tips of the bones of the hip are observed, the animal is too thin, if you can not feel any bones, that indicates overweight. 


3) should also be palpated bony protuberances of the spine and shoulders, also, you should feel a thin layer of fat over bony parts, if these bones are easily felt or visible, the dog or cat is too thin. If you do not feel the bones beneath the layer of fat, the animal is obviously overweight. 


4) Observe the animal from above, the "waist" must be well defined behind the ribs, if it is too deep and bone protuberancas observed, the animal is too thin, if there is no "waist", or more pronounced, ie seen from above as a "coffee table", the cat or dog is grossly obese.

Our advisement

We all prefer to feed our dogs with industrially produced products, especially canned meats and compound feed. because they are comfortable, clean and very nutritious, but these foods are chemically treated. 


We advise you natural diets , homemade yourselves. 


It is true that a homemade diet is recommended if done right, can also be a problem if given incorrectly. In fact, the most common is to give the animal meals that are not adequately tested and knowing the amount of nutrients and protein they contain. 


But once we know that the recipe is ok, the ingredients must conform to it as possible and should always be used for different preparations not bore the animal and cause a manifest lack of apetito.Para facilitate the task of the owner and save a lot of time, there are recipes that offer the possibility of preparing large amounts of food at one time. Thus, they may be frozen in a fraction to be used periodically.





too obese

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